Autumn Retreat - 14-18 Oct

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Artist’s Retreat

28-30 April 2024

Come to The Star for a relaxing two night artist’s retreat, hosted by Lottie Cole, the Sussex based contemporary British painter.
East Sussex is an inspirational county for artists, whether it’s the landscape or painters themselves and their work. We’ll spend an inspiring day walking and sketching in the morning, and then painting in the afternoon. The following morning we can review what we’ve done, add some finishing touches and have a gentle recap of our work.


Sunday 28 April
From 3pm Check in at The Star. We recommend visiting Charleston en route
From 7pm Dinner in The Dining Room

Monday 29 April
7.30-9am Breakfast
9am Walk to Berwick Church with Lottie Cole
9.45-10.15am Talk at Berwick Church about its art
10.15-12 noon Lottie Cole to host sketching, painting and photographing in and around Berwick Church to find inspiration for the afternoon
12 noon Walk back to The Star
1pm Lunch
2-5.30pm Painting workshop with Lottie Cole in The Pilgrims’ Room
3.30pm Cream tea
7pm Dinner in The Dining Room

Tuesday 30 April
7.30-9.30am Breakfast
09.45-11.45am Painting workshop with Lottie Cole
12 noon Guests depart

From £870 including breakfast each day, lunch on Monday, Dinner on Sunday and Monday, painting workshops and refreshments and all painting materials based on one person staying in a Classic Juliet Room.

About Lottie Cole
Cole’s paintings reflect her interest in Art History, provenance and the role women have played in both. She regularly looks to women artists and collectors of the past for affirmation, guidance and inspiration. She paints homes, not least because they are a realm of women, an area unlike most others where they are authored by women. Though people are rarely seen in her paintings, she believes the domestic interior contains considerable biography and human emotion from grief to celebration seen through the objects on the mantlepiece or the paintings on the wall. 
Cole began a Foundation at Wimbledon Art School and went on to study Art History at St Andrews University. She enjoys reading a picture, and as such likes her work to operate on different levels – the first simply an interior – the second the decoding of allusions and objects. Lottie Cole is represented by Long and Ryle Gallery.